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07.02.2020 Basel, in der St. Jakobshalle Basel

Termine und Tickets

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Fehler bei Query SELECT COUNT(events.id) as anz_termine, termine.id as t_id, events.titel as e_titel, events.subtitel as e_subtitel, events.bild as e_bild, termine.ort as t_ort, termine.location as t_location, termine.datum as t_datum, termine.uhrzeit as t_uhrzeit, termine.datum_bis as t_datum_bis, termine.uhrzeit_bis as t_uhrzeit_bis, termine.markierung as t_markierung FROM termine LEFT JOIN events ON (termine.event_id = events.id) WHERE events.id != 241 AND termine.visible=1 AND events.visible=1 AND termine.archiv=0 AND events.archiv=0 AND termine.datum >= "2024-04-26" AND events.domains LIKE "%1,%" AND () GROUP BY events.id ORDER BY termine.datum ASC LIMIT 3